Have you ever wondered what your dreams mean? We all spend about one-third of our lives dreaming, whether you remember them or not. Dream interpretation dates back thousands of years. However, there are still a variety of theories on how to interpret dreams. By trying to understand your dreams, you may be able to find out more about yourself that you may not know. Dreaming occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. There are a variety of factors that can affect your dreams. You age, gender, personality, and the events that occurred throughout the day, all have an impact on what dreams you have. Because we experience so many things in a day, we do not have time to process them all. This is where dreams come into play. They can help us process what we saw, felt, and thought during the day. Even what is happening around you while you sleep can also make it into your dream. This can include temperature changes, noises, sensations, even needing to pee. If you have strong feelings before you go to bed such as being anxious or worried, you will sleep lighter and have a better chance of remembering your dreams. However, this can also cause you to wake up before your dream is over. Dreams can also help us process many other events in our lives. If you are worried, excited, traumatized, or have any strong emotions relating to a certain memory, then your brain uses dreams to help process the event and the feelings that occurred during, and because of, the event. If these memories and feelings are repressed, then they can still come out in your dreams. When you are awake, it is easier for your brain to repress unwanted thoughts, feelings, or memories. However, when you are sleeping these aspects can be less censored and make their way into your dreams. You may not always recognize them though. There are a few many theories on dream interpretation. However, there are two main, or popular, theories used to interpret dreams. I won’t go into a full lecture, but I will give you a summary of each theory.
Some Other Interesting Dream Theories:
Through all of the different theories of dream interpretation, many agree that dreams can be a window into what you are thinking and feeling. Dreams can also help your brain problem-solve. By interpreting dreams, they can help you better handle difficulties that you are facing in your life. However, there is no simple book that you can read to interpret your dreams for you. While people may have similar themes to their dreams like their teeth falling out, being chased, or flying, they are all different to every dreamer. To interpret dreams, you have to pay attention to not only what is occurring in the dream, but what your feelings are during the dream. Because of this, the dreamer or somebody who is close with the dreamer, are the only ones who can decipher their meaning because it is subjective to that person. If you want to interpret your dreams, there are some things you can do.
While it can be hard, interpreting your dreams can be helpful and fun. Put some thought into deciphering your dreams. Think of it as a movie where you are trying to find the plot, or a puzzle that needs to be solved. If you want you can even ask people who know you well what they think your dreams mean. You may learn more about yourself by examining your dreams, and they may even help give you advice and guidance about your life. |
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